Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Fun!

So far, this has been a pretty busy summer. The girls have a summer job! They are selling snacks at Mark's basketball camp. So, almost every day (they have a very understanding boss who will give them time off if something comes up!) they had up to camp for a few hours and sell gatorade, chips, and candy to the hungry players! They are making decent money (I think Mark has finally broken even!) and have met some of Mark's assistant coaches daughters.

We have been hanging out with lots of friends and enjoying the water! Mark got us all season passes to Wet n' Wild and we have been there a few times already.

Of course Lindsey and I have been doing some shopping. Caity will usually opt to stay home, she is not a fan! We are having fun and enjoying our time together. The girls are each getting their own special trip just them and their daddy. Mark is taking them each to Disneyland by themselves! He is such a great daddy. We have a lot more fun things still to come! I promise I will try and stay on top of the blogging!


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