Monday, June 22, 2009

My Dad is Far-Out! by Caity

My dad is real easy to love because..........
he always wrestles us, Daddy-O shows his love all the time!!!!!!!!!!!! I always love when he gives me hugs and kisses. Mark Alan Wood (awesome dude) is honest with everyone, intelligent, humorous, kind, trustworthy, joke proof, funny, and couragous. I love my outstanding #1 father with all of my heart.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why I Love My Daddy by Lindsey

I love my daddy for all sorts of reasons. I love him because he plays wrestle. He also let's me go to work with him in the summers. Another thing he does is cuddle me (which I love). I love his nickname for me which is Little Buddy. Those are a lot of reasons and there's still more. He takes me places even when he doesn't feel 100%. I love my daddy so much and he loves me. Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Lindsey Lu!

Our little buddy has quickly discovered one of the great joys of being a girl. Manicures and pedicures! Aunty Mel, Uncle Steve, Bailee, and Ashlyn gave her a gift certificate for her birthday to the girl's salon Sweet and Sassy. We went yesterday and she enjoyed an afternoon of Starbucks and getting her nails done! She got to pick a ring, a toe ring, and sticker decals for her nails and the pedicure chair was just her size! It was a fun afternoon! We just love being girls!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family Pictures

Three generations!
Me and my girls! Lindsey (9) and Caity (10)

Four generations together!

Great Memere and Pepere with the great grandkids!

Country Living!

Lindsey swimming in Memere's Lake

The cousins ready for movie time!

Caity and her sparkler!

Caity and Great Memere picking flowers

The girls and I just got back last night from a week in Tenessee with my mom and sisters. It was such an amazing trip. We stayed with my sister, Chrissy, and her family. My other sister, Lori, and her daughter, Morgan, flew in from Tucson. So, the Conner girls were all together again. Poor Keith!!! The girls had the best time playing with their cousins, swimming in Memere's lake and fishing. Caity caught 55 fish! Caity and I had knitting lessons from Great Memere. Maybe someday soon we'll be making gorgeous blankets like she does! Chrissy and Keith threw what Caity called the "best BBQ EVER!" on Saturday night. The kids caught frogs in the backyard, we went out on the paddle boat in their lake, made a fire and made s'mores and then Uncle Keith put on an awesome fireworks show!!! Our week in the country was a blast! Wednesday night we returned to Phoenix and the girls were reunited with their daddy and their doggy!!! They missed both of them terribly. Lindsey said today that she wishes she could take all of her friends and family in Phoenix and move us all to Tennessee. They are happy to be home with their Daddy but are already missing their "country cousins!" Thanks Mom and Chris for an amazing trip! We love you so much and miss you like crazy!