Last Monday was the first day of school. Caity is now a fifth grader and Lindsey in fourth! They both LOVE their teachers. Caity is not real happy to be back at school of course, she is certainly not a morning person! My first week went well too. I forget every year how little they are when they first start 3rd grade and how much time it takes to "train" them in the classroom procedures. I came on Friday exhausted and without much of a voice left! Things should start to calm down once we get used to our new routines! The girls are still dancing once a week after school for 2 1/2 hours. They are working on a new routine for the upcoming competition season. Soon, Caity will start her softball season and Lindsey is thinking about trying volleyball. And then, before we know it basketball season will be starting! Life just gets busier, and busier the older they get! :) But, we are loving every minute of it!
Caity-5th grade Lindsey-4th Grade